Just a day or two days left to fish in Destin and then back to the OBX. Unfortunately strong winds have us laid up today. Eric fished a couple more days since the last posting and had great results! We landed 6 cobia out of 8 down west. Then yesterday. Just one of those days that rejuvenate your fishing soul. Slick calm in the morning 7 miles from the pass and a acre of red drum rolling up on top. We dropped her to neutral and had them all around us for a hour chasing bait fish up against the boat! I got some video and I will get it up if it turned out ok. We caught and released these 25lb class fish till we wanted no more!
Then steamed East another 15 miles and we were in the meat with cobia! Our three limit fish in the box and then we started to catch and release. We ended up seeing 30 fish, landed 12-14 cobia and lost four or five at the boat. Eric also got into some jack crevale that we released. I wish every day could be half this good!